I've heard that just about any lively conversation that goes on long enough will wind up having some sort of Nazi analogy. But does anyone else see the similarities between the Watchtower's increased emphasis on absolute loyalty and unquestioning obedience and the way the Nazis rose to power?
It seems like some already think the baptismal questions are some sort of loyalty oath. The Society constantly promotes an "us versus them" attitude and looks forward to the death of everyone who isn't "us" as a good thing. I have no doubt that if they could get away with it, they would happily kill all "apostates" and anyone else who stood in their way or refused to join in. Think about it: JW's eagerly anticipate the death of 99.9% of the entire population of the earth.
A world governed by the JW system and controlled by its endless and arbitrary rules and draconian punishments is no "Paradise." Daesh (ISIS) is a very good example of what life under the thumb of the Watchtower would be like. No thanks!